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3 Tips to Improve Ecommerce Sales
Online shopping

The development of the digital world opens up a lot of doors for business owners to secure customers on a global scale. When the right strategies are employed, e-commerce can establish a business' brand globally and lead to skyrocketing sales.  

Importance of Having a Strong E-commerce Presence 

In today’s digitalized world, having a solid online presence is key to maintaining a flourishing business, even if your business primarily deals in offline transactions. Nowadays, most people look online to compare prices and read customer reviews before making purchasing decisions. An online presence makes it easy for prospective customers worldwide to find your products and services and patronize you. 

Some other reasons why having a strong e-commerce presence is necessary are: 

  • It helps you target customers in a specific niche: A search engine optimized online presence enables you to target customers searching for the specific products and services you offer.  
  • You reach a wider audience with lower costs: Digital advertisement through e-commerce costs a lot less than traditional advertising.  

Undoubtedly, e-commerce is a step in the right direction for any forward-thinking business. With this in mind, here are three tips to help you improve e-commerce sales.   

1. Update your website frequently 

Frequently updating your website is an easy way to keep your audience informed about changes in the industry and how those changes affect your product offerings. Showing your visitors that you’re conversant with the new developments in your industry assures them of your expertise and builds trust in your prospective customers. This trust makes them more likely to purchase whatever products or services you offer. 

Keeping your website updated goes beyond frequent content updates. It involves changing your website's appearance every few years and introducing captivating visuals to grab visitors' attention. The landing page can also be tweaked from time to time to highlight certain aspects of your business.  

2. Be Mobile-friendly 

Because newer mobile devices are now equipped with higher processing and storage power, the digital world is seeing a massive shift of focus from desktop to mobile devices. When creating a website from e-commerce sales, it is crucial to design the website to be mobile-friendly and responsive across different types of devices.  

Being mobile-friendly does a lot more than providing your website with convenience and ease of use. It is a cost-effective way to boost SEO, as accessibility is one of the main things search engine algorithms look for in a website. It also allows prospective customers to switch devices while browsing your site without facing annoying hurdles.  

More customers are shopping on their mobile devices than ever before  

Studies show that the average American spends between five to six hours daily on their mobile phone. This amounts to over a third of waking hours spent on their smartphone, most likely browsing the internet. Having a mobile-friendly e-commerce presence allows you to take your business straight to the fingertips of potential customers. Research reveals that even people that eventually buy a particular product offline still search for it online to get an idea of the price and the best vendors around.  

Use social media  

More than half of the world's population of 8 billion people are active on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Thus, social media is a great environment to build your brand and communicate effectively with your audience. The individualized nature of social media also helps to humanize your business. A brand with active social media pages looks authentic and is more likely to be trusted by potential consumers.  

3. Transparency with customers  

Transparency involves being honest about your business operations, allowing your customers to hold you accountable, and maintaining integrity in all your communications. The biggest benefit of transparency is that it promotes trust.  

Make sure customers can take your word for it when you give them information about the nature and quality of your products, the prices, and the delivery times. When you lay down a strong legacy of transparency for your e-commerce business, you are setting your business up for growth because customers are more likely to remain loyal to your brand and recommend you to others. 

FAQ page  

The FAQ page is the go-to section for people who wish to have a better understanding of what your business offers. This page allows you to provide quick and relevant answers to specific questions that potential customers may have concerning your business. A well-integrated FAQ page can increase the volume of high-quality traffic to your site, boost customer experience, and improve sales by providing adequate information to cause a purchasing decision. 

Include a “Contact Us” page  

A "Contact Us" page comprises all the contact information through which a visitor can reach your business. This page typically includes your business phone number, email address, social media links, and a physical address. Including this page on your website can boost sales and customer retention by ensuring that prospective customers can get in touch with you as soon as they want to.  

Your e-commerce business can use a reliable logistics partner  

Shipping and logistics services are integral to the success of an e-commerce business. At GoShip, we connect you to efficient and reliable freight carriers without requiring the services of a freight broker. With the help of our online quotation tool, you can get free quotes depending on the shipping information you provide. Visit our website today to get started.